There are also numerous digital marketing podcasts, and they have one advantage over written materials – they can be heard over a morning coffee, on the way to or from work, or while we are working out. They will keep you up-to-date with all the important information, bring you interesting interviews with key figures in digital marketing, and teach you a lot if you know how to listen. This is why we present you with our choice of digital marketing podcasts you should definitely tune into if you haven’t done so already!

This Old Marketing Podcast

How can you write about digital marketing without mentioning Joe Pulizzi? You can’t. The podcast of course deals with content marketing, with new episodes coming out every week and lasting for about an hour. The host occasionally answers questions posed on Twitter with the hashtag #ThisOldMarketing.

Marketing over Coffee

This is a podcast designed to be heard over a morning coffee, as it is taped in a local cafe. It is intended for everyone involved in marketing – whether of the digital or traditional type – and new episodes, about 20 minutes long, come out once a week. This podcasts also brings interviews with important figures such as Seth Godin, which makes it an absolute must for all those in the field.

Jay Today TV

This is a podcast for all those short on time: the episodes are only 3 to 5 minutes long, but in those few minutes they will present the most relevant information on social networks and digital marketing, and you can tune in to them almost every day.


The Duct Tape Marketing

This podcast is aimed at small businesses and marketing ideas and strategies adapted to them, and it brings a great deal of useful tips and tactics helpful in doing business.

The Content Warfare Podcast

The title itself indicates that this is a podcast that deals with content marketing, and it focuses on interviews with significant figures and leaders in the field. If you want to learn from the best, this is the right place to start. New episodes come out every week, and they are about an hour long.

Digital Marketing Podcast

One of the most famous digital marketing podcasts comes from Great Britain, and you can tune in to it every two weeks. Along with the most recent news and tips, it also brings interviews with digital marketing experts, and it will introduce you to individual strategies and techniques you might not be familiar with yet.


The Mainframe and Hit Publish

These two podcasts are a part of the Rainmaker.FM network, which brings together a number of different digital marketing podcasts. Some of them will help you with online businesses, while others will give you tips on digital marketing, whether you are a novice or if you have been in the field for a while already.

Confessions of a Pink-Haired Marketer

This is another podcast on the Rainmaker.FM network, but we have decided to highlight it because it is hosted by Sonia Simone, a digital marketing and, even more so, content marketing expert, who took part in the founding of the renowned Copyblogger. You will always be up-to-date if you tune into Sonia.

SEO Podcast – Unknown Secrets of Internet Marketing

One of the most popular podcasts on SEO, and a good starting place if you are just now beginning to learn about it or if you need to learn something new.
